Know Model Conduct of Code for General Conduct during elections

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Elections are a fundamental aspect of democratic governance, providing citizens with the power to choose their representatives. However, to ensure fairness and transparency in this process, certain guidelines must be followed by political parties and candidates. 

The Model Code of Conduct (MCC), by the Election Commission of India (ECI) is a critical tool in this regard, aimed at regulating the behavior of political entities during elections.

In this article, we will explore the MCC for General Conduct during elections.

The MCC is designed to ensure free and fair elections by preventing practices that could unduly influence voters or disrupt the electoral process.

The Model Code of Conduct (MCC) serves as a framework that guides political parties and candidates on acceptable behaviors during election periods.

Understanding the MCC is vital for voters as it empowers them to recognize when political parties and candidates are acting within the bounds of ethical conduct.


MCC for General Conduct during Elections

The MCC outlines specific guidelines for the general conduct of political parties and candidates, emphasizing the importance of ethical behavior and respect for all individuals and communities.

Below are the seven key points that make up the general conduct under the MCC:

1. Avoidance of Activities that Aggravate Social Tensions

No party or candidate shall indulge in any activity which may aggravate existing differences or create mutual hatred or cause tension between different castes and communities, religious or linguistic.

2. Restriction of Criticism to Policies and Programmes

Criticism of other political parties, when made, shall be confined to their policies and programmes, past record and work. Parties and candidates shall refrain from criticism of all aspects of private life not connected with the public activities of the leaders or workers of other parties. Criticism of other parties or their workers based on unverified allegations or distortion shall be avoided.

3. Prohibition of Appeals to Caste or Communal Feelings

There shall be no appeal to caste or communal feelings for securing votes. Mosques, Churches, Temples or other places of worship shall not be used as forums for election propaganda.

4. Avoidance of Corrupt Practices and Electoral Offenses

All parties and candidates shall scrupulously avoid all activities which are “corrupt practices” and offenses under the election law, such as bribing of voters, intimidation of voters, impersonation of voters, canvassing within 100 meters of polling stations, holding public meetings during the period of 48 hours ending with the hour fixed for the close of the poll, and the transport and conveyance of voters to and from polling stations.

5. Respect for Individual's Right to Peaceful Home Life

The right of every individual to a peaceful and undisturbed home life shall be respected, regardless of political opinions or activities. Organizing demonstrations or picketing before the houses of individuals by way of protesting against their opinions or activities shall not be resorted to under any circumstances.

6. Prohibition of Unauthorized Use of Private Property

No political party or candidate shall permit its or his followers to make use of any individual’s land, building, compound wall, etc., without permission for erecting flag-staffs, suspending banners, pasting notices, writing slogans, etc.

7. Maintenance of Peaceful and Orderly Meetings

Political parties and candidates shall ensure that their supporters do not create obstructions in or break up meetings and processions organized by other parties. Workers or sympathizers of one political party shall not create disturbances at public meetings organized by another political party by putting questions orally or in writing or by distributing leaflets of their own party. Processions shall not be taken out by one party along places at which meetings are held by another party. Posters issued by one party shall not be removed by workers of another party.


The Model Code of Conduct is an essential component of India’s electoral process, ensuring that elections are conducted fairly, transparently, and with respect for all citizens. By understanding the MCC, voters can better recognize and support ethical behavior in politics, contributing to a stronger and more vibrant democracy.

(This article ends here, but continue reading to know about Importance of the MCC, Common Questions on MCC, and What You Can Do to enforce it effectively)



The MCC plays a crucial role in ensuring that elections are conducted in a fair, transparent, and orderly manner. It levels the playing field for all candidates and protects the interests of voters.


MCC Highlights:

1. Ensures Fair Play

By prohibiting corrupt practices and ensuring that no party gains an unfair advantage, the MCC helps maintain the integrity of the electoral process. This is vital for preserving public trust in the democratic system.

2. Protects Voter Rights

The MCC safeguards voters' rights by preventing intimidation, bribery, and undue influence. This ensures that voters can make independent and informed choices at the polls.

3. Promotes Peaceful Elections

By regulating the conduct of political parties and their supporters, the MCC reduces the likelihood of violence, disturbances, and social unrest during elections. This contributes to a more peaceful and orderly election environment.

Common Questions and Answers

1. Is the MCC legally binding?

No, the MCC is not legally enforceable. However, the Election Commission of India has the authority to take action against parties or candidates who violate its provisions, including issuing warnings or disqualifications.

2. Does the MCC apply to digital and social media campaigns?

Yes, the MCC applies to all forms of campaigning, including digital and social media platforms. Political parties and candidates must adhere to the same guidelines online as they do offline.

3. Can the MCC prevent all electoral malpractices?

If the MCC is enforced in letter and spirit, it can be a powerful tool to prevent election malpractices to a large extent. 

What Can You Do?

As a citizen of India, your vote is powerful, but individual awareness of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) guidelines alone may not bring about significant change. However, by helping other voters understand these Election Dos and Don’ts, you can make a tangible difference in ensuring free and fair elections.

Remember: Mass Awareness is Key to Conducting Elections Fairly and Transparently, so share this information with your family and friends.  


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