Model Code of Conduct Guide for Indian Voters


India is the world’s biggest democracy, which is being enforced at national, states and local bodies’ levels through elections wherein the citizens choose their representatives. The Election Commission of India (ECI) is responsible for conducting free and fair elections to uphold democracy in the country. The ECI has framed certain rules and guidelines to conduct elections.  

One of the most important among these is the Model Code of Conduct (MCC).

In this article, we will explore what the MCC is, its significance, and how it impacts voters and political parties during election periods.

Since citizens are paramount in a democracy, therefore understanding the MCC is crucial for voters because it empowers them to recognize fair play in elections and hold political actors accountable.

What is the Model Code of Conduct?

The Model Code of Conduct (MCC) is a set of guidelines issued by the Election Commission of India (ECI) that are to be followed by the political parties parties and candidates between the start and end of the election process. 

The MCC is the document which prescribes the "Do's and Don'ts" for parties and candidates in that period.

This is mainly aimed at bringing about level-playing field among political parties and candidates, avoiding election corruption, and generally ensuring that the the electoral process is free and fair.

Apart from this, the MCC maintains the sanctity of the election process by ensuring that no practice of bribery, coercion, and misuse of government resources takes place. It also prohibits that any party or candidate uses unfair means for furthering their election prospects. 

When was the MCC introduced?

The MCC was first introduced in the state assembly elections of Kerala in 1960. Over the years, it has evolved and been refined by the ECI to address various issues that arise during elections.

When Does the MCC come into effect?

The MCC comes into effect from the date the election schedule is announced by the Election Commission and remains in force until the election process is concluded.

What are the Key Provisions of the MCC?

The MCC covers a wide range of activities and behaviors expected from political parties, candidates, and even government officials during elections.

Campaigning Guidelines: Political parties and candidates must refrain from making communal or caste-based appeals to voters, using religious symbols, or indulging in hate speech. Campaigning should focus on policies and programs rather than personal attacks.

Government Actions: The ruling party is prohibited from announcing new projects, financial grants, or other policy decisions that could influence voters during the election period. Government officials are also barred from using their positions to campaign for any party or candidate.

Election Manifestos: Parties must release their manifestos well in advance of polling day, ensuring that voters have sufficient time to consider their promises. The manifestos should not contain any promises that could amount to corrupt practices. 

Polling Day Conduct: On the day of the election, parties and candidates must refrain from canvassing within a certain distance of polling stations, and they must avoid any activities that could intimidate or unduly influence voters.

However, there are Eight Provisions of the MCC:

. MCC for General Conduct

. MCC for Meetings

. MCC for Procession

. MCC for Polling Day

. MCC at Polling Booth

. MCC for Party in Power

. Guidelines on Election Manifestos

 (Note: You can read our detailed article on Guidelines on Election Manifestos Here. We will cover the remaining each provision under separate articles.)


The Model Code of Conduct is a vital element of India’s electoral process, designed to ensure that elections are conducted fairly, transparently, and without undue influence. As voters, understanding the MCC empowers you to participate more actively in the democratic process, recognize fair play, and hold political actors accountable. The MCC plays a crucial role in upholding the integrity of elections, making it an essential guide for voters. 

(This article ends here, but continue reading to know about Importance of the MCC, Common Questions on MCC, and What You Can Do to enforce it effectively)



The MCC plays a crucial role in ensuring that elections are conducted in a fair, transparent, and orderly manner. It levels the playing field for all candidates and protects the interests of voters.


MCC Highlights:

1. Ensures Fair Play

By prohibiting corrupt practices and ensuring that no party gains an unfair advantage, the MCC helps maintain the integrity of the electoral process. This is vital for preserving public trust in the democratic system.

2. Protects Voter Rights

The MCC safeguards voters' rights by preventing intimidation, bribery, and undue influence. This ensures that voters can make independent and informed choices at the polls.

3. Promotes Peaceful Elections

By regulating the conduct of political parties and their supporters, the MCC reduces the likelihood of violence, disturbances, and social unrest during elections. This contributes to a more peaceful and orderly election environment.

Common Questions and Answers

1. Is the MCC legally binding?

No, the MCC is not legally enforceable. However, the Election Commission of India has the authority to take action against parties or candidates who violate its provisions, including issuing warnings or disqualifications.

2. Does the MCC apply to digital and social media campaigns?

Yes, the MCC applies to all forms of campaigning, including digital and social media platforms. Political parties and candidates must adhere to the same guidelines online as they do offline.

3. Can the MCC prevent all electoral malpractices?

If the MCC is enforced in letter and spirit, it can be a powerful tool to prevent election malpractices to a large extent. 

What Can You Do?

As a citizen of India, your vote is powerful, but individual awareness of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) guidelines alone may not bring about significant change. However, by helping other voters understand these Election Dos and Don’ts, you can make a tangible difference in ensuring free and fair elections.

Remember: Mass Awareness is Key to Conducting Elections Fairly and Transparently, so share this information with your family and friends. 

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