Know the Role of Members of Parliament in India

Leader of Opposition in the 18th Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi speaks in the House.
Congress MP and Leader of Opposition in the 18th Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi speaks in the House. (Image Source: Screengrab from Sansad TV YouTube Channel)

Members of Parliament (MPs) play a crucial role in the functioning of India's democratic system. As elected representatives, they are responsible for a wide range of duties that extend beyond mere legislative debate. 

This article explores the multifaceted roles and responsibilities of MPs in India's Parliament.

Legislative Responsibilities

As legislators, MPs are tasked with making laws for the governance of the country. This includes:
Participating in the Discussion and Voting on Bills: MPs engage in debates on proposed legislation, voicing their opinions and concerns before casting their votes.
 Proposing Amendments to Government Bills: They can suggest changes to bills to better reflect the needs of their constituents.

Introducing Private Members' Bills: MPs can introduce their own bills, which allows them to advocate for specific issues important to their electorate.

Amending the Constitution: MPs can propose constitutional amendments, although these require a higher threshold for approval.
MPs also have a role in delegated legislation, ensuring that the executive does not abuse its power in drafting detailed rules and regulations.

Oversight and Accountability

One of the primary functions of MPs is to hold the government accountable. They exercise this control through various parliamentary interventions, such as:
Question Hour and Zero Hour: During these sessions, MPs can ask questions to government ministers about their policies and actions.

Calling Attention Motion, Adjournment Motion, No confidence Motion, and Censure Motion: These tools allow MPs to raise urgent issues and challenge government decisions.

Participating in Committees: MPs serve on various committees like the Public Accounts Committee, Estimates Committee, and Public Undertakings Committee, which scrutinize government spending and policies.

Representative Role

MPs serve as the link between their constituents and the government. They represent the interests and concerns of their electorate by:
Assisting Individuals with Issues Related to Government Services: MPs help constituents navigate bureaucratic challenges and access government benefits.

Acting as Advocates for Local Interest Groups: MPs also champion local causes and bring them to the attention of the government.

Communicating the Needs of Their Region to the Government: MPs articulate their constituencies' and regional issues in Parliament, ensuring that local voices are heard.

Electoral Role

MPs also play a significant role in the electoral process within Parliament. They participate in:
Electing the President and Vice President of India: MPs are involved in the electoral college that elects these key positions.

Electing the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha, and the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha: These elections are crucial for maintaining order and fairness in parliamentary proceedings.

Financial Control

Parliament exercises financial control over the executive through the enactment of the budget and its oversight of government expenditures. MPs scrutinize the budget proposals and ensure that public funds are used effectively and transparently.


The role of MPs in India's Parliament extends far beyond legislative debate. They are responsible for making laws, holding the government accountable, representing their constituents, and participating in the electoral process.
Understanding the diverse responsibilities of MPs is crucial for recognizing their importance in the functioning of India's democracy.
Engaging with your MP and understanding their role can empower you to participate more actively in the democratic process. (Ends)

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